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Services Utility: Trivial FTP Daemon Service

Display Name (?): Trivial FTP Daemon
Short Name (?): ?
Executable (?): ?
Library (?): ?
Depends On (?): ?
Supports (?): None.
Description (?): None.
OS (?): 2000 Server
Startup (?):

Explanation (?):

The trivial FTP daemon service provides trivial FTP functionality to Windows 2000 Server and Windows Server 2003. This is an non-authenticated FTP service that by default operates on port 69. It allows users to connect and retrieve files through a simplistic file fetching protocol. This service should be set to automatic if it is being used, and if it is not then this feature should be removed through add/remove components.

Please visit /tools/services/ for the complete Services utility.

"The clock of life is wound but once, and no man has the power to tell just when the hands will stop, at late or early hour. To lose one's wealth is sad indeed, to lose one's health is more, to lose one's soul is such a loss that no man can restore. The present only is our own, so live, love, toil with a will. Place no faith in tomorrow, for the clock may then be still." --Anonymous author

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